Did you know that 72% of consumers prefer video content? For this reason and many others it is becoming increasingly apparent that video content is desperately needed for businesses and nonprofits alike.
You may have already gotten this sense and have been working on smaller scale videos yourself. However, there is only so much you can do without a full understanding of professional video production. That’s where we come in.
If you’re thinking about stepping up your video production game, we’d love to chat and see how we can help. Here are some things to expect when embarking on this journey.
Let’s Talk Discovery Calls
The first thing we want to do is have a complimentary discovery call with you. This is the time to really get to know your agency, what you’ve already worked on, and where you’re hoping to go from here. It’s essentially an assessment of how we can work together.
We’ll use this call to hammer out the details of your intended project(s). Then we’ll talk about what a budget for this type of work will look like. Assuming we are able to meet your promotional video and budgetary needs, we will then have you sign a contract and officially begin the process.
Pre-Production Meeting

After the contract has been signed, we will schedule what is called a pre-production meeting. These meetings are very nuanced and unique to each client and their specific needs. It’s our job to make sure that we are asking the right questions in order to ensure you are getting the best possible outcome for your marketing video needs.
We want to know your goals. What would you consider to be a big win? Who is your target audience? What is the desired end result? How can we make sure that your investment in this project will pay off? Because that’s what everyone wants, right? A big fat payoff.
But, no matter how much we might think a certain project is going to solve all of our business’ problems, it’s important to recognize when ideas might need to be dialed back.
The Best Video Production Companies Care More About You Than Landing a Sale
We’ve had people come to us with big ideas about their video marketing needs. Sometimes clients are looking for Amazon product videos, sponsored brand videos, or even animated explainer videos. Regardless of the project type, it is our job to make sure that the intended project will actually help you to achieve your end goal.
There have been times when a client has wanted one thing and we have suggested something else for this exact reason. There have even been times when we have turned away clients because we felt it was in their best interest to work on other smaller-scale projects that would better suit their current business model and financial needs.
We don’t want you to fail. And regardless of whether or not you choose to work with us, we want to make sure that you work with people who care more about you than they do about their paycheck.
Blog by Jason Ellinger (with a little flavor from Kwami Ngaojia)