our Rocking Team

Kwami Ngaojia 

From Newark, New Jersey, Kwami graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in Video Production & a minor in Psychology. Kwami was always interested in helping those in need & would always seek out ways to do so. Before he found Beard & Bowler, he worked as a case manager for high risk & at risk families in central Jersey. He would then go on to join the Army National Guard & to this day, is serving as a logistics officer. Kwami is a jack of all trades over at B&B headquarters.

He can direct, edit, shoot, produce, coordinate, delegate, & whatever else is needed of him. He came across B&B while searching for a job on Linkedin & was drawn to it, due in part to seeing that it’s run by a black man. Being black himself, it was inspiring for him to see someone of color in a position of leadership in the film/video industry. Kwami manages a lot over at B&B, including an overseas team of editors, always helping out any way he can if someone has too much on their plate.

Despite all of this though, Kwami isn’t all work. In his offtime, he enjoys all sorts of leisurely activities, including playing video games, watching anime, working out, listening to all sorts of genres of music from rap to rock to lofi to classical, & traveling.

Jenna Ventrice 

Ever since age 11, Jenna Ventrice has been editing videos all on her own, even teaching herself how to use Final Cut. That’s not to say she’s a one-trick pony though. Jenna has had a ton of experience on the sets of various short films and live TV, making her capable of taking on a variety of different roles. Jenna attended Emerson College where she eventually learned After Effects & Premiere Pro among other editing software.

For one of her classes, she was tasked with directing a silent short film. Unfortunately, it was during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to a plethora of restrictions. Her solution? Make the film a love story about two people who were forced to be six-feet apart from each other. Jenna also worked for a live sports talk show held at Emerson called Box Score, where she worked as camera operator. At one point, she had an internship in Los Angeles where she helped clients with website design. There, she also did a lot of shadowing, learning some pro tools in fixing audio and color in TV.

Naturally, Jenna primarily edits various YouTube videos and shorts for B&B and occasionally records some behind-the-scenes footage during shoots. Something that Jenna takes a huge interest in is fashion. She has bonded with many people over it and has even worked three retail jobs in women’s clothing prior to B&B. She also obviously has a huge passion for film, trying to go to the movies at least once a week. In particular, she enjoys horror movies, with one of her favorites being Possession directed by Andrzej Zulawski.

Sean Adomili

Ever since his days with the Boy Scouts, Sean Adomilli has always been driven to volunteer and serve. For his Eagle Scouts project, Sean made a memorial for Matthew La Porte, a victim of the Virginia Tech Shooting back in 2007. For almost two years, Sean teamed up with the chief of police and various businesses around the town of Dumont and built a paper patio, a garden area, and storyboards talking about the event and La Porte’s heroic actions in trying to stop the shooter. Sean is an open thinker, always open to new ideas and learning new things. If you throw a task at him, he will go into it with an open mind and try his best to figure it out. Whether it be a new program or idea he wants to bring to B&B, Sean is not one to back down so easily. He’s always one to push forward and try, try again no matter how hard of a time something gives him. 

Prior to B&B, Sean worked as inventory specialist at CVS for three and a half years. Sean had no intentions of pursuing a career in pharmaceuticals. It was just a job for him, one that didn’t exactly relate to his current job at B&B aside from maybe the organizational aspect. Back in college, one of Sean’s professors, who had connections with Jason, got Sean in contact with him. The film aspect of B&B is initially what drew Sean to the company as film is what he was studying in college at the time. Sean wanted a job that would not only fulfill his desire to work in the film industry, but also feel like what he’s doing is important and is giving back, so to him, a video production company that specializes in nonprofits is the best of both worlds. 

Sean primarily edits videos for B&B, though on occasion, he will be tasked with project management and talking with clients. On set during shoots, he’s either a PA or an assistant director, recording B-roll footage. He also works on thumbnails for their social media videos. During his freetime, Sean enjoys hiking and all things outdoors, as well as going to the movies, whether they be blockbuster action movies, or small, artful indie films.


We love our work & we take pride in the organizations & the people we represent.

We started this company to make positive “ding” in the universe & our society’s culture.

If you aren’t moved by what you are watching, then we have failed.

Thank you to everyone that’s supported us on our journey thus far.